Ooh-La-La in Love woodsOoh-LaLa is a whimsical, unisex character with aheart-shaped head, puy, cloud-like scarves that floatlike cotton candy, and stylish black boots. With apersonality as bright as a rainbow, Ooh-LaLa is theepitome of joy, spreading laughter and cheerwherever they wander. They adore all living things,especially the enchanting flora and fauna of theirhome, Love Woods.In this magical forest, heart-shaped leaves shimmer inthe sunlight, and flowers bloom in every colorimaginable. Ooh-LaLa's presence brings an extrasparkle to this vibrant wonderland, where everycreature, from the tiniest insect to the tallest tree, feelsthe warmth of their love and acceptance. Ooh-LaLa'smotto, "Love comes in all shapes and sizes," remindseveryone they meet that the world is a more beautifulplace when filled with love and joy.
Birth of DemOnce upon a time, In the faraway southeast land. There was a brave little penguin, dare to fight against the evil ‘Snake King’ to free people from tyranny. This might sound like a bedtime story. But it is a reality in Thailand. Our young generation is fighting for real democracy, knowingly this might cost their lives. ‘The Birth of Dem’ is inspired by Sandro Botticelli’s The Birth of Venus. I created this artwork in order to support the pro-democracy movement, not only in Thailand But also in Myanmar and the rest of the world. With faith, the birth of real democracy will be no longer a bedtime story.
Weather bullyHave you ever started travel on a bright sunny day and then the storm came from nowhere? It feels like mother nature notices your happiness and wants to bully you!!! So I want to depict that feeling into my artwork "Weather bully" with fun execution.
"Adopt Me Please"Help!, I’m Doge dough. I’m cute and taste good. But my creator is bullying me, can you please save and adopt me!! * No animals were harmed during making this video. See this NFT at https://foundation.app/@nopkarian/adopt-me-please-51656
Tiger FestTo celebrate the year of the tiger in the Japanese theme.Even though the world’s situation is still intense. But I would like to send the positive power to everyone that came across this artwork and wish everyone to have a great year eventually.
Heart of NFTDuring the journey to the moon. Nopkarian discovers the remarkable thing that makes the NFT world is so fascinating and fast-growing. That is the community. NFT community is the “HEART of the NFT” world. Nopkarian feels very lucky to be overwhelmingly surrounded by the NFT family in this community. So much love energy has been sent to him and he intends to pass it on.
Life CycleIn my funny thought, our life is not a straight line but a loop!! “LIFE CYCLE” shows the human life cycle in a colorful and funny way, from a baby to death and reborn again and again. Enjoy being stuck in this loop forever!
3..2..1..LET’S GO!In every work I did, I took lots of time on finding ideas. It feels like my brain is working out all the time. While my eyes always aim for the moon. And this time I decide to put a spacesuit on. Are you ready? Three…two…one… LET’S GO!
CupidiculousCupidiculous(2014) is a motion graphic project fusing 2D cel-animation and 3D techniques together. It conveys a humor story about Cupid, who makes Adam and Eve fall in love. But this act of love leads to overpopulation, overconsumption and global warming. So he has to find the way to fix these problems. Most characters and elements have been done in 3D but rendered as 2D flat vector look with poppy pastel, splashy and heightened color schemes. Then added more 2D liquid speed lines by drawing frame by frame. Even though laughter is the major objective, but Cupidiculous also delivers critical messages covertly. More or less audiences will get that with absolutely enjoyment.2014 School of Visual Arts, MFA Computer Art Student FilmSoftware : Cinema 4D/ Toonboom/ After EffectsCupidiculous Blognopkarian.tumblr.com/CREDITSDirected and Animated by Panop KoonwatMusic : Henry HomesweetSound design : Narin KongkatavaethitaAWARDSJury Award MetroCAF 2014 FINALIST Adobe Awards 2014FINALIST PISAF 2014 (Puchon International Student Animation Festival)Official selection for SIGGRAPH Asia 2014
Tyny Mouse
Kong vs Kaiju
Mech Kong vs Kaiju
Idea Head
Computer Art
Super Artist
Ganesha OMGBKK
Jdy and Yakku on Floating market
JDY and Yakku in Sao-Ching-Cha
Jdy and Pumpui in Sa-Nam-Luang
Lakshmi OMGBKK
Thai Thai Land
Halloween : Devil
Halloween : Dracula
Halloween : Franky
Halloween : Jack O
Halloween : Swampy
Halloween : Wolfy
Ooh-La-La : Bee patient
Greed & Love
Super Mom
Super Student
Super Salaryman
Transparent Head
Save Penguin
Random dude
Self Portrait
The Snake
Free PPL
Circle HeadCircle Head is one of the "Geomee Head" character design collections. Available at https://rarible.com/nopkarian
U HeadU Head is one of the "Geomee Head" character design collections. Available at https://rarible.com/nopkarian
Square HeadSquare Head is one of the "Geomee Head" character design collections. Available at https://rarible.com/nopkarian